04 May 2008

My Assignment

PC's official description

Program: Health Education Project
Job Title: Peace Corps Volunteer Health Education
Description: To assist the Tanzanian government to improve the health of Tanzanians by promoting healthy behavior among community members, particularly teachers and students. This will be achieved by: 1) empowering young people to make healthy decisions about their lives; 2) increasing teachers' ability to make healthy life choices; 3) increasing teachers' ability to integrate HIV/AIDS into their classrooms; and 4) helping communities access health information information about disease prevention, especially HIV/AIDS/STIs.
Pre-Service Training (in Tanzania): June 12-August 22, 2008
Dates of Service: August 24, 2008-August 27, 2010


  1. hi! its whitney...going with you to tz...very excited....see you soon.

  2. Hi! I just got accepted with an offer to serve in Tanzania too! I am leaving in September though! I hope you keep updating this, because its really helpful to know someone else is going to be there also, even if we are in two different places!
